Adhesive Label Producer Turkey
You are at the right address to get professional support for an Adhesive label producer in Turkey. By contacting us, you can have the best products in this field. They get different names according to the type of glue used in adhesive labels. Such as hotmelt adhesive sticker, acrylic adhesive sticker, adhesive sticker, and tyre adhesive sticker. As a company, we produce adhesive labels as roll labels or sheet labels. The characteristics of the adhesive labels we have produced in this direction are as follows.
General Characteristics of Adhesive Labels
Stickiness There are several properties that labels have. We can mention them as follows.
- Adhesive labels are a type of label whose back surface is glued with glue.
- They can be plastic-based or paper-based.
- The difference from non-adhesive labels is that glue is used on the back surfaces and they adhere to the surface on which they are placed.
- Consumers can very easily remove the label from the surface called pergamin and paste it on the surface they deem appropriate.
- Adhesive labels are given names such as coated, thermal, transparent, opaque, silver mat, etc. according to the type of material used on the upper surface of the label (non-adhesive, printed surface).
- These labels may be easy or difficult to remove from the surface to which they are attached, depending on the type of glue.
- Depending on the type of upper material of the adhesive labels, printing can be done with different types of ribbons.
These elements are as follows.
- Varius factors determine their price.
- The types of glue used in labels also affect the price.
- The dimensions of the label are another criterion that we use when determining label prices.
- The number of orders you will place according to the type of label also plays an important role in pricing.
- Finally, whether there is a print on it or not, if there will be a print, how many colors there will be is the last element in the pricing of adhesive labels.
Get in Touch
As Modi Etiket, we promise to provide you with quality products and services in line with your needs and demands. For detailed information about our products and solutions, you can send an e-mail to info@modietiket.com.tr, call our phone number +90 212 639 90 10 or contact us on our contact page.